
Chapter 4 Flashcards

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Contextual relativism
When a person becomes oriented in an uncertain world and puts ideas into context, recognizes the need to reach reasoned decisions, makes tentative commitments, and explores the implications of a chosen lifestyle. (See “Post-Conventional Levels of Moral Development”)
Conventional levels of moral development
Phase that involves a relativistic view of the world in which many opinions appear to be acceptable, individuals conform to the expectations of others, and rules are followed.
Defining Issues Test (DIT)
A pencil-and-paper instrument created by James Rest used to measure moral development. Research focuses on moral sensitivity, moral judgment, moral motivation and commitment, and moral character and implementation.
The belief that things are divided into two different elements or opposing parts, such as good and evil.
The ability to care for another person; the ability to share someone else’s feelings or experiences by imagining what it would be like to be in their situation.
Branch of philosophy that studies the origin, nature, methods, validity, and limits of human knowledge. It deals with the creation and dissemination of knowledge in particular areas of inquiry. Source: Standard Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Moral development
How individuals emerge through a logical set of hierarchical stages when reaching moral decisions.
Moral psychology
A field of study in philosophy and psychology that focuses on the moral side of human cognition and behavior.
Moral universalism
The notion that some system of ethics applies to everyone. More simply put, some things are right and some are wrong, regardless of who you are, your culture, or any other characteristic.
Morality of care
Carol Gilligan’s (and other feminist writers’) exploration of responsibilities that sustain connection in four ways: (1) individuals are defined as connected in relation to others, (2) relationships are grounded in response to others on their terms, (3) moral problems are considered as issues of relationship or response, and (4) morality of action is determined by whether relationships were maintained or restored. (See “Ethics of Care,” “Feminist Ethics”)
Morality of justice
Lawrence Kohlberg’s exploration of rights that protect separation in four ways: (1) individuals are defined as separate from one another, (2) relationships are grounded in reciprocity, (3) conflicting claims are resolved by invoking rules or standards, and (4) morality is determined by whether each party was treated with equity.
Post-conventional levels of moral development
The highest levels or phases of moral development, in which autonomous decision makers employ expanded empathy and put things into philosophic context. (See “Contextual Relativism”)
Pre-conventional levels of moral development
The first stages of moral development, in which people are controlled by authority figures or the wills of others, perceive themselves to be relatively powerless, and have little sense of “the other.”
 Social contract
Individuals freely enter contractual commitment to friends, family, and work. An agreement among members of society or between the governed and the government defining and limiting rights. (See “Contractarian,” “Justice,” “Rawls,” and “Locke”)
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Dr. Chris Roberts

Associate Professor

Department of Journalism and Creative Media at the University of Alabama.

© Chris Roberts 2022
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